Where to Sell Potatoes in Farming Simulator 2019

The in-game symbol for White potato vine.

Potato is one of the innovative crops in Land Simulator 15. Potato production requires a large investment funds in equipment, and an wild travail to harvest. It also grows slower than all some other crops. Nonetheless, it is the single most profitable browse in the game.

Table of contents

  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Sowing Potatoes
  • 3 Potato Growth
  • 4 Harvesting Potatoes
    • 4.1 Combination Harvesting
  • 5 Storing Potatoes
  • 6 Selling Potatoes
    • 6.1 Price Comparisons

Overview [ ]

Potatoes are a type of root seed-like that grows very thickly and provides a powerful income. It is non purchasable straight away, overdue to the be of the equipment caught up. Flush later the equipment is purchased, Potatoes require a lot of time and effort to harvest home, significantly more than other crops, but proceeds a larger net income in the end.

As with all separate crops, Potatoes may atomic number 4 sown only happening fields that have been cultivated beforehand, to remove any remains of the previously-planted crops connected that field. This can be done with any Cultivator or Plow.

To sow Potatoes, a special Sowing Automobile is required. Your starting sower cannot perform this task. There are two such machines available for purchase in the base gamey. Murphy Sowers cannot sow any other crop, so they are expressly purchased only for purposes of Tater organic process.

Potatoes shoot to a greater extent fourth dimension to ripen than any else cut back in the spunky, requiring quintet biological process phases (about 26 hours of in-pun time, at the "Fast" growth speed setting). Before they can be harvested, they must first be cut by a Haulm Topper automobile specifically premeditated for Potatoes. After this is done, the Potatoes themselves can be collected by yet other differentiated harvester. There is besides a very expensive combine reaper that can perform both tasks in uncomparable run. Potato harvesting is exceptionally slow in either slip, because all Potato harvesters are passing specialize, taking a years to process even a small field.

As with all other crops, a Tater field of operations backside beryllium Fertilized in order to double its yield.

Harvested Potato can be stored in Tipper Trailers or offloaded into its ain storage adroitness at your farm. Information technology can be oversubscribed in a variety of locations on each map, for a varying price that depends happening current food market forces. Potatoes do non get a high price per ton, simply the yield from each harvested hectare is very high gear, making Potatoes the single most profitable crop gross.

Sowing Potatoes [ ]

The process of sowing Potatoes begins with cultivation of the field, to remove the remains of whatever cultivate grew there previously. This is a requisite stair plane if the field was antecedently used for Potatoes. Any Cultivator or Plow is suitable for this project. The wider the Cultivator/Plow, the quicker the work testament go.

Any slice of civilised soil can then be worked with a Sowing Machine that is capable of planting Potatoes. There are just 2 such devices available for purchase in the base game: The Grimme GL 420, and the Grimme GL 660.

The primary election difference between these machines (other than their damage) is their working breadth - the GL 420 has a working width of only 3.0 meters, while the GL 660 has 6.0 meters (doing the same work out twice as fast). Neither of these machines is capable of cultivating the field as they sow, meaning that all Potato planting work essential including a separate pass with a Cultivator or Plow anterior to sowing. Also Federal Reserve note that neither machine stool sow anything other than Potatoes!

Remember that the Sowing Machine must be filled with seeds before it can beryllium put to exploit. This can be cooked by pull the machine to the Semen Pallets at your farm, and hitting the Refill clit. You may not sough manually with an empty Sowing Automobile. A Hired Doer can work even with an bare machine, just at a much higher price than convention.

Roughly 5,200 liters of seeds are requisite to plant unmatched hectare of Potatoes. This translates to roughly $3,150 worth of seeds per hectare. This is nigh 10 times much expensive than whatsoever other crop! Take this into consideration if you'Re thinking of going into the Potato business.

Alternatively, Potato Sowing Machines can instead be filled with actual potatoes from your previous harvests. Again, 5,200 liters of Potatoes are required to sow one hectare. 5,200 liters of Potatoes are worth roughly $2,080 to $2,860, depending along their current market price, so using de facto Potatoes can possibly make unnecessary you a small amount of money.

Potato Growth [ ]

Potatoes are unique in that they bring up the longest prison term to grow of any crop, and have the shortest time between ripening and withering.

Potatoes require 5 growth cycles to get over ready for crop, instead of the regular 4 steps for some other crops. They will first sprout green weed-like plants above ground, which will then grow little blank flowers. At the 4th step, when most other crops would have got already get over ready for glean, the White potato widow's weeds will come along to wither slightly, turning a light nuance of brown - but they are not ready for harvest yet. Potato is only ready to harvest once these preceding-ground widow's weeds have withered completely, turning into a messy brown rug covering the stallion field. Although they look stillborn, this is actually the point where they are harvestable. When growth speed is set to "Fast" in the Settings Menu, the entire process from sowing to ripeness will take around 26-27 hours.

Formerly ripe, Potatoes wealthy person only indefinite additional ripeness step (fetching another 5 hours or so at "Firm" speed). After just one more step (5 hours again), they will wither. This means that your windowpane of chance for harvesting Potatoes is narrower than for other crops. This is presumptuous that you've enabled the option for crop withering at all, otherwise the field will remain ripe forever. You may harvest Potatoes during either of their cardinal ripeness stages - the yield does not change beyond the first ripeness arrange.

If the Potatoes have been allowed to wither, they cannot be harvested any longer, and mustiness instead be cultivated Beaver State tilled to take room for a revolutionary crop.

Harvesting Potatoes [ ]

As with the otherwise root crop (Lucre Beet), Potatoes need ii razor-sharp stairs to harvest: Abscission the tops, and extracting the crop from the ground. With cheaper equipment, the two steps must be through with separately. Advanced (and highly dear) equipment may do both at the same time.

The first whole step is to cut the haulms (the dead leaves) off the Potatoes. This can only be done while the White potato vine is in its 5th or 6th stages of growth. This is done with a Halm Top hat machine specifically planned for Potatoes. Thither is only one much machine in the basal biz, the Grimme KS 75-4 (although the Grimme Tectron 415 Crataegus oxycantha also comprise used; more on this below). The Grimme SE 260 is not self-propelled, so must be towed behind a tractor. Potato cannot be harvested before this step is realized. This Halm High hat can simply process Potatoes.

Erst the haulms have been abstracted, the area can then be harvested using some other specialized machine designed specifically to accumulate Potatoes from the ground. Again, the post gritty only has indefinite so much machine, the Grimme SE 260, which also needs to be towed bottom a tractor. This harvester has a very narrow cutting head, which will guide a tenacious time to process an uncastrated field. It also has a very small holding armored combat vehicle capability compared to the quantity of Potato IT will likely need to harvesting, requiring it to be unloaded into a Tipper repeatedly during the process. Consider driving a second vehicle towing one operating theater more Tippers adjacent to this reaper as it works. Ultimately, the Grimme Southeast 260 has other interesting problem: it does not hack directly behind the towing tractor, but rather slightly to the side, making it that much more touchy to maneuver IT properly.

One hectare will render about 40,000 liters of Potatoes, or 80,000 liters if fertilized. This is the undivided highest yield of any unoriginal crop in the halting (only Chaffed Corn has a higher yield).

Compounding Harvesting [ ]

A third pick of equipment available for Irish potato harvest is the Grimme Tectron 415 . This is a self-propelled vehicle (it does non want to personify towed), which will cut the haulms and collect the Potatoes all at the same time - saving you a lot of solve.

Unfortunately, the Tectron 415 is prohibitively expensive, costing close to fractional a trillion dollars. Moreover, its cutting heads are just slightly wider than the Grimme SE 260, at only 3.0m. This way that the Tectron 415 will still take a precise years to swear out a single field of Potatoes. Then again, its holding tank car is significantly larger than that of most harvesters, so it does non need to be offloaded very often. Additionally, the Tectron 415 cuts everything directly in front of it, which gives information technology another good advantage over the SE 260.

In short, if you have the money to drop, the Tectron 415 can shave off a significant portion of effort off Solanum tuberosum harvesting.

Storing Potatoes [ ]

Different most other crops, Potatoes cannot be stored in your Silo. Instead, IT is stored in the properly-most compartment of the long shed at your farm, alongside Sugar Beets and Wood Chips.

To unload a Tipper truck hither, you bequeath need to drive up close to the correct (right wing-most) compartment of the deciduous. Note that some Tippers (particularly the larger ones) buttocks only when unload from behind, thus you volition need to repeal your Tipper into the compartment until the option to set down appears.

To retrieve Potatoes from the shed, drive a Tipper around the shed to the other side, where a conveyer lift leave dump the Potatoes into it automatically. Make a point to avoid the conveyers for the Gelt Beet and Ellen Price Wood Chip compartments, otherwise they might meet your Tipper with those materials instead.

Selling Potatoes [ ]

Harvested Potatoes can be sold at a potpourri of incompatible places on each mapping. Each of these locations, marked by a pure "unload" icon, has a grated dumping chamber embedded into the touring, where Potatoes can be unloaded for sale.

These dumping chambers are used the same as the Silo back at your farm. Force a tractor or hand truck towing a Tipper Prevue with Potatoes in information technology terminated the dumping chamber, and press the Key to drop. Note that some Tippers can only offload behind them, requiring you to drive a petite past the grate. Others nates unload sideways as asymptomatic.

Potatoes are sold-out immediately as they are dud from the Tipper. Each ton (1,000 liters) unloaded from the Tipper testament fall in you around $400-$550 (Normal difficulty), fashioning Potato a very cheap crop supported on its volume. The exact price will differ from one selling positioning to another, and also depends on several market factors. Repeatedly selling large quantities of Potatoes over a period of several hours or days may cause the price to drop (it will find ended time). Alternatively, if Of import Demand is effectively for the particular location where you are unloading, the price whitethorn be up to 2 multiplication high than perpendicular!

Price Comparisons [ ]

Although Potatoes may appear to be exceptionally cheap, their price per ton is misleading, because vast amounts of Potatoes can be extracted from all hectare. When this is factored in, Spud is almost twice atomic number 3 economic as Wheat berry, bringing in round $32,000 per every hectare harvested - and fashioning it one of the most utile conventional crops.

There are downsides, however. Incomparable downside is that Potatoes submit 25% more time to grow compared to other crops, and that harvesting takes a very long time due to the narrow machinery participating. It takes even more time if you have branch out machines to top the plants and take in the roots, and buying a single machine to do the forg simultaneously costs a very large summation of money. Some other downside is that for each one hectare of Potatoes you sow will cost you about $3,000 worth of seeds - far to a higher degree any other clip. This makes Potato harvesting a serious investiture, suitable for the later stages of the game.

Observe that due to the slow growth, and the large expenditure happening seeds, Potatoes are actually slightly less fruitful than Sugar Beets, despite bringing in higher sums of immediate payment for to each one harvested hectare. Boodle Beta vulgaris and Potato fire nevertheless be grown tandem, to capitalize connected fluctuating prices and Great Demand for both these crop types.

Where to Sell Potatoes in Farming Simulator 2019

Source: https://farmingsimulator.fandom.com/wiki/Potato/Farming_Simulator_15

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