Who Was the First Person in Anne's Family to Be "Called Up" by the German Army?

Who was Anne Frank?

Anne Frank was a German girl and Jewish victim of the Holocaust who is famous for keeping a diary of her experiences. Anne and her family unit went into hiding for two years to avoid Nazi persecution. Her documentation of this time is now published in The Diary of a Young Girl.

Early Years

Margot and Anne Frank before their family fled to the Netherlands.She was born Annelies Marie Frank on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Her parents were Otto and Edith Frank.

For the kickoff five years of her life, Anne lived with her parents and older sister, Margot, in an apartment on the outskirts of Frankfurt. After the Nazis came to power in 1933, Otto Frank fled to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where he had business connections. The rest of the Frank family soon followed, with Anne being the last of the family unit to get in in February 1934 after staying with her grandparents in Aachen.

The Fate of Jews in Amsterdam

The fate of the Frank family unit and other Jews in Amsterdam was wrapped up with the German occupation of the city, which began in May 1940. In early 1942, the Germans began preparations to deport Jews from the netherlands to killing centers in the east. At this time, they required all Dutch Jews to exist concentrated in Amsterdam. They also decided to intern all non-Dutch Jews in Westerbork transit military camp. From Westerbork, German officials deported the Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor killing centers in German-occupied Poland. The first deportation transport left Westerbork on July fifteen, 1942, for Auschwitz-Birkenau. These deportations and the escalating anti-Jewish measures alarmed many Jews in kingdom of the netherlands, including the Franks.

Anne Frank: Amsterdam and deportation

In Hiding

Excerpt from Anne Frank's diary, October 10, 1942: During the first half of July 1942, Anne and her family went into hiding. They were somewhen joined by four other Jews as well—Hermann, Auguste, and Peter van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer. For two years, they lived in a secret apartment at 263 Prinsengracht Street. The apartment was located backside the business concern offices where Otto Frank had worked every bit visitor managing director. Anne referred to the hiding place in her diary as the Underground Annex. Otto Frank'southward friends and colleagues, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, Johan Voskuijl, Bep Voskuijl, Jan Gies, and Miep Gies, had helped to ready the hiding place and smuggled food and vesture to the Franks at dandy risk to their own lives.

While in hiding, Anne kept a diary in which she recorded her fears, hopes, and experiences.

Arrest and Displacement

On August 4, 1944, the German language SS and police force discovered the hiding identify. Information technology has been long thought that the regime acted after being tipped off past an anonymous Dutch caller. Simply a more contempo theory is that the Germans discovered the hiding place by chance, while investigating reports that illegal piece of work and fraud with ration coupons were occurring at the house.

That day, an SS Sergeant (Hauptscharführer) named Karl Silberbauer and two Dutch policemen arrested the Franks. The Gestapo sent the family to Westerbork transit military camp on August eight. I month afterward, on September 3, 1944, SS and police authorities placed the Franks and the four others hiding with them on a train transport to Auschwitz-Birkenau in German-occupied Poland. This was the last ship from Westerbork to Auschwitz.

The transport arrived in Auschwitz two days later with ane,019 Jews on board. Men and women were separated. All of the Underground Addendum residents were selected for forced labor.

Similar other Jews selected for labor, the women called from this transport, including Anne, Edith, and Margot, were tattooed with prisoner numbers. Records indicating their verbal numbers take not been preserved. Although Anne Frank's death certificate documents her movement between camps, it does non include her tattoo ID number either.

Anne and her sis, Margot were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in northern Germany in early November 1944.

The Fate of the Frank Family: How Did Anne Frank Die?

Anne Frank died in February or March 1945, shortly before British troops liberated Bergen-Belsen on April 15, 1945. Anne Frank died at the age of 15. Margot Frank died at the age of 19, as well in February or March 1945. Both Margot and Anne died of typhus.

SS officials also selected Anne's parents for labor. Anne's mother, Edith died in Auschwitz in early Jan 1945.

The house at Prinsengracht 263, where Anne Frank and her family were hidden.Simply Anne'south father, Otto, survived the war. He was liberated from Auschwitz by Soviet forces on January 27, 1945. Otto was presented afterwards with Anne's writings, which were preserved by Miep Gies one of the Dutch citizens who had hidden the Franks. Otto Frank was integral to getting his daughter'south diary published. The diary of Anne Frank is the first, and sometimes merely, exposure many people take to the history of the Holocaust. Anne Frank'southward writings besides included short stories, fairy tales, and essays.

The home where the Franks hid in Amsterdam continues to attract a large audience. At present known as the Anne Frank House, information technology drew more one.two 1000000 visitors in 2017.


Source: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/anne-frank-biography

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