Man Passes Out in Bar and Wakes Up in the Future and Passes Out Again and Even More Into Future


Please draw your experience with fainting. Submit Your Annotate

Comment from: Jods, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I decided to endeavour CBD oil for my anxiety. I had never tried it before so I didn't know what to expect. I also take many psychiatric medications and they interacted in a wicked way. I was very confused and totally was convinced if I couldn't stay conscious I was going to die. I knew I was starting to pass out, but I was then scared I was going to die, that I kept trying to stop myself from passing out. I actually had to trip the light fantastic toe around the room trying to keep myself from fainting.

Comment from: Angeliki, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: November 03

I had a claret test yesterday. Later on the needle was removed I felt sick, and like my head was being squashed by a pillow. I fainted and was out for five minutes. I heard the nurses proverb I was unresponsive and really bad merely I was also dreaming that I was walking with my son. I didn't know where I was when I woke up but I had been holding my legs out straight the whole time. Never happened to me earlier. It was quite weird.

Comment from: Annie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: Oct xx

I have suddenly been passing out ii to three times a week. I am currently seeing doctors but I was wanting to know of anyone who has experienced this earlier going downward. I get a sudden overall silence, can't hear a matter, and a very calming feeling over my trunk, a sense of floating, if that makes sense. That's the best way I can explicate it. Any input is very welcome.

Comment from: KayMiss, xix-24 Female (Patient) Published: October eleven

I was hugging my dad later his work day. I remember saying that my legs felt weird right before he set up me downward. Suddenly I was out, apparently I slipped through his fingers towards the floor. I remember seeing something that terrified me just I can't recall it. When I woke upwards, not knowing where I was and existence surrounded by my dogs, my terror grew, and I started screaming and punching. No pups were injure and my dad pulled me up. I withal wonder what I saw when I was out, but possibly it's better that mode.

Annotate from: Eve_m, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 28

I was standing in the train, it was very hot and I slowly started to feel weak. I held on to the railing very hard and I of a sudden was in a nighttime room with no noise and no lite but I knew there were things outside this darkness. Later a while, I slowly started to come across low-cal and I was sitting down on a seat. I couldn't talk for an hour, and my hearing came back slowly. I fainted without dropping to the floor for 5 minutes apparently.

Comment from: Maybe Afterlife ?, 25-34 Male person (Caregiver) Published: September 21

I have passed out many times before, nevertheless, recently I have fainted nearly two times and have vividly seen, dreaming about other family members that I don't know, but feel like I once knew them. In a matter of seconds, I see different family unit members and I am ever someone else, like a girl talking to her mom, or an onetime man seeing his family members, or a immature man seeing his younger blood brother ride a vivid blood-red wheel; all the while going through and so many emotions all at one time like sadness, happiness or anger.

Annotate from: Alteredbeasties, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: August 27

I was in my car around 10 pm. I had just got back from the store with the boys. I sent the boys inside and instructed them to go within while I picked up mom from Walmart. I made a phone call to mom and was ready to go out. The next second I was waking upwards from a nightmare in my car. At outset I was not sure why I was in my automobile. I was very confused. it slowly started coming back to me and I went within. I looked at the phone and realized the landlord had texted me 5 times to turn off the car. Scary.

Comment from: Toby1959, 75 or over Female (Caregiver) Published: August 05

My mom lost consciousness. She looked broad-eyed just she didn't accept a seizure. The doc said her blood force per unit area was super low and her carbohydrate was actually high.

Comment from: LM, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 28

I fainted once in a crowd. It happened in stages, slowly; black vision, jelly legs, and and then out. I woke up a few minutes subsequently. Earlier I opened my eyes, I felt more peaceful and serene than I've always felt in my life. I could smell the grass and feel the sunshine, I was half dreaming that I was in a park at a picnic, just relaxing. And then I opened my optics and realized what had happened. I couldn't hear properly for a couple of minutes. Afterward I was fine, only tired.

Comment from: Stephreff20 , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July xix

I was at piece of work and dropped something on the flooring. When I stood up, I felt woozy, my vision darkened, and my ears started ringing. I told my coworker, I call back I'm going to pass out. He said he tried to grab a chair for me but I vicious and so he pushed information technology out of the way and tried to catch me. Yelled to a 2d guy who ran in and checked my pulse. I woke up when he was standing over me. Felt similar I was in a dream. Everything was blurry and I had a headache. Felt tired the residue of the twenty-four hours. So embarrassing!


What is vertigo? See Answer

Comment from: Dodo, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I was sitting in bed. Suddenly things turned nighttime effectually me, kind of like going through a very night tunnel. I tried to fight information technology, knowing something was wrong but passed out anyway. When I started to regain consciousness I could feel my head jerking to ane side and heard noises in my head similar when you're struggling to get proper radio reception. The fainting happened a week ago and nothing since.

Comment from: Deborah, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 09

When I look up skyward I faint and fall backwards. Everything goes smoky grayness and noises are distant. In one case when I was sat on the edge of my bed I put my caput back to come across if it yet happened. All went black and gray, with a loud buzzing racket. I had the feeling I was going backwards but could vaguely see the back of me nonetheless sitting on the bed. It was then weird. Information technology happens quite a lot now. The doc said it's vertigo and it volition go on its own. But information technology'south not going yet.

Comment from: Whatwasit , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 02

One day when my kid was about 4 months old, I got sick and couldn't stay witting, I literally kept blacking out. It lasted for the entire day and I could barely force myself to wake up. Wake, then faint. Her begetter refused to come up habitation, so my dog would alert me when she needed something, past barking and putting his nose to her diaper to let me know when I needed to forcefulness myself to move to her and care for her. It was a struggle, I cried so much fighting it, I don't sympathize it to this 24-hour interval.

Comment from: J, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: June sixteen

I was in a pub sitting on a tall chair with some friends having beers. I started to feel lightheaded, and when my vision started to darken, I said 'I don't experience well' and rested my head on my artillery on the table, trying to recover and stop the process, I couldn't. Then I experienced something similar to a practiced dream I can't recall whatever details of, but I felt relieved and peaceful, I didn't want it to finish. I woke up on the floor, they were putting ice on my caput and I understood that I had fainted.

Comment from: Maklia123, 7-12 Female (Caregiver) Published: June 14

When I was little, I was chasing my stepbrother in the hallway and out of nowhere I fell on the ground, not breathing or waking up until my dad did CPR on me.

Annotate from: EK, xix-24 Female person (Patient) Published: June 10

I was in the shower yesterday, and I was rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. I turned to face the water and then I can launder my face, when all of a sudden I started feeling pressure in my head, my heart charge per unit went up, and I started getting tunnel vision. Now, I've passed out earlier, and then I knew what was happening, so I tried to just calm my animate and make it stop, simply adjacent thing I know, I'm waking upward on the bathroom floor. While I was unconscious, my oral fissure was tingling, like there were bugs in it!

Comment from: tara, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 01

I passed out and when I came to, I think I had a seizure. I started seeing stars, white spots in my vision that wouldn't go away and over this v-10 infinitesimal menstruation, towards the terminate, my vision was completely white. I involuntary dropped the h2o and heard her yell! And so I went limp and when I came to, my whole torso was shaking, I was in fetal position, and I was groaning. A few seconds afterwards waking up I was able to talk and found out I was out for about 30 seconds. I don't think I ate that day.

Comment from: Bels, nineteen-24 Female person (Patient) Published: June 01

I was lifting and I started to go lightheaded. I wasn't tired only I felt I had shallow breathing. I went to sit down down and woke upwardly on the floor. Fainting felt every bit though I was in a night room on a cool floor slowly sinking into it. It was the virtually peaceful I accept always felt, honestly.

Comment from: Mark, 35-44 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 19

I don't know if information technology was fainting. I would exist awake merely non aware of it, talking then feel like I only woke upwardly. I am sitting up and everyone is asking what I was talking about and laughing, simply I don't remember. I used to do this all the fourth dimension and I was on meth.

Comment from: Samuel, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: May 19

I fainted for near ii hours a few years dorsum. Before fainting, my head was killing me, I had nausea, and besides felt very weak. After regaining consciousness, my top was dripping moisture. It was past 11 pm and the place I was, was very cold. I never went to the hospital because I feared the worst.


Tinnitus: Why Are My Ears Ringing? See Slideshow

Comment from: Fred1982rick, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: May 17

Sometimes I will be walking and slowly a darkness is all I tin can see approaching me from all sides. If I quickly sit down and breathe slowly the fainting feeling volition normally go abroad. This time though, I stood and let the darkness completely take over my vision. Information technology felt like someone, absolutely no pain but a moment of sharp hurting at the end, had grabbed my center and squeezed it, when the darkness took my vision. I woke up on the ground moments later and went on with my mean solar day.

Comment from: Hello45, xix-24 Female person (Patient) Published: May 14

Since I was immature, I've experienced fainting with triggers like blood tests, banging my leg or being scratched past a true cat. It's happened so many times, that I've lost count. I commonly always black out, and I run into foreign things when I'm unconscious, simply I'grand not really aware of what'south happening and am unable to control myself. Sometimes if my blood pressure level is low plenty, I vomit. I've been told I weep out loud, however, I'm normally unconscious when this happens, and then I'thou non aware I'm doing information technology.

Annotate from: Dawn, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: May 10

I was working on the computer and and so fainted. I woke upwards, then I could non come across out of my left centre. Next affair I know, I was puking, don't know why!

Annotate from: Kathie, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 30

I was sitting on the flooring, stood up to get to bed and while lying downward, suddenly felt really featherbrained. Next matter I call back was that I was falling into a night nightmarish hole, like Dante'southward Inferno. I heard someone screaming actually loud and woke upwards realizing I was the i screaming. My friend later told me that I hyperventilated and all of a sudden stopped breathing. My face up turned blue and she idea I was dead for 2 minutes. And so I started convulsing and screaming. Scariest fainting experience.

Annotate from: Fitzy, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: April 23

I gave blood this morning time and subsequently information technology was over I fainted. When I fainted I felt like I was dreaming a one thousand dreams all at one time in a really fast slide show. It was crazy and terrifying and I couldn't wake up from it. And then I woke of a sudden to three nurses over me. Absolutely terrifying. It is 9 hours later and I withal experience empty-headed.

Annotate from: Summers, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I've had fainting spells throughout center school. Back and then, I was quite embarrassed past that. The beginning ever fainting spell I can remember dates dorsum to when I was about 7 years old. I was just so uncomfortable in my skin. I remember walking to my grandmother and falling into her lap the moment I reached her, and became blue. Everything became pitch black. The next thing I can think is watching myself being carried to the next-door dr.'s house. I woke up subsequently a few minutes.

Comment from: Stargazerko4crv, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: April 19

I was at the postal service part which is a huge glass atrium. It was hot in in that location and I started to feel dizzy and confused. I think telling my nine year old I didn't experience well and I leaned confronting the counter. I remember waking upwards to the sound of what I can all-time describe equally the electric charge of a calculator booting up. Like a zzzz-zzzz-snap. So I heard a voice asking if I was ok. I opened my eyes and asked 'where'due south my kid?' My son had non gone crazy and destroyed the mail service office while I was unconscious.

Comment from: StellaBlu , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 16

I was going for a minor cosmetic procedure. When signing the waiver, I saw "blood clots" and "death," and immediately felt woozy, hot and similar my limbs were heavy. The next thing I know I was in some strange dream state, but I felt this cold pressure on my face. Slowly it began to dawn on me that the common cold pressure level was the floor, and that I had fainted right off the chair. I felt awful after and was emotionally drained for the day. Banged myself upward pretty well during the fall.

Comment from: Fifty, 19-24 Female person (Patient) Published: April xvi

When I was unconscious, I felt like I was eating the sweetest saccharide. Like the feeling of being on softest bed hugging those most valuable to you, simply a feeling of fulfillment and warmth. I did non realize I fainted, and was shaken up out of it, and so I was momentarily very upset to be disturbed out of that euphoria. I wonder why my brain signaled that feeling. Initially, I thought of a daydream of a similar feeling when I was trying to relax and breathe just before fainting.

Comment from: TJ, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 05

I was working and started feeling strange. My heart was racing and just… strange. Eventually I started thinking I was going to accept a panic set on, but I didn't have time to practice anything about it. I woke up on the floor to a worker holding my head up, someone checking my pulse, and another screaming, "I think information technology's a seizure!" It wasn't, only spasms. I've passed out before, but I knew I was going down then. This fourth dimension I blacked out earlier I fifty-fifty knew I was going to become downward. Just woke up that way.

Comment from: Sarah, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 05

The first fourth dimension I e'er passed out, I was vomiting and I told my dad everything's fuzzy, meaning my middle sight was becoming static, like on the Telly. And then I woke upward and my dad and a nurse had carried me to a room and was cleaning vomit off of me.

Comment from: IndicaVibez , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: March 29

I already felt weird lying downwards, but I got out of bed, went to the bathroom, my heart started to race and everything got staticky. I got upwardly and tried to walk only passed out.

Comment from: Anonymous , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: Nov 03

I was in the shopping eye and I felt airheaded. I tried to find a manner out but my vision was dissolving into darkness. I fainted and came round with a security guard kneeling down beside me with a bottle of water and another holding my feet up. They checked I was OK, gave me h2o and bought me a snack from the café. I guess I fainted from dehydration and low blood pressure; I drinkable through.

Comment from: Tj, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 27

If I hit a nerve (elbow on doorframe) or requite blood (which I tin can't exercise anymore now), my eye charge per unit rises, my vision starts getting patchy, and then I pass out. Whilst I'm unconscious I hallucinate (similar to my sleep paralysis) and apparently I scream the place downwardly. When I come up to I'm paralyzed in my legs and arms and I'g normally so frightened I hyperventilate and laissez passer out again. It's terrifying. I suspect this is tied in with my mail service-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Comment from: Kittyk5683, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: October fourteen

I have fainted a couple times in my life simply this time it scared me. I was in the shower and I could feel my head getting dizzy and everything was going nighttime. I think hearing someone scream at the pinnacle of their lungs and when I came to I thought it was my boyfriend or it was in my head, but he told me that I was doing the screaming and my body was shaped liked a banana. Like I've said I've fainted before but I've never screamed when I woke up. I remember my body was naturally frightened.

Comment from: Drew, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: October 14

Every time I see unnatural, unwarranted, extreme violence and gore in videos or shows, I experience similar I take to throw up, my heart starts racing and I black out. When I faint, information technology is absolutely terrible. I tin can't hear, feel, taste, smell, or touch anything, all I know is the need to scream. I endeavor to scream simply tin't hear myself and it burns. Fourth dimension is a meaningless concept while I'yard out. I take been known to kickoff yelling and tensing upwards in real life while I'm out.

Comment from: Stulniciee, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 09

I was lying down in bed playing Xbox, and all I remember prior to fainting was feeling nauseous and featherbrained. I woke back up with the controller withal in both of my hands, confused, and tired.

Annotate from: BeStrong, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 06

First of all, fainting hasn't always happened to me before. I do have a few diseases and other wellness issues. I'd been feeling terrible off and on for iii weeks, with severe, terrible headaches and nausea with vomiting on occasion. Final dark, I awoke at 3 AM with a sharp hurting in my lower right abdomen. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a saucepan just in case. Nothing happened. When pain was subsiding I got up to go to bed, and woke up on the floor confused. Past the time I was able to go up to go lie down, information technology was almost iv:xxx AM.

Comment from: Vivid dreams, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 28

I was getting a blood exam done. I was sitting downwards when I started to feel actually dizzy, saw spots and my knees couldn't stop shaking. I told the dr. and then I don't recollect anything else. When I woke up I freaked out because I did not sympathize where I was. I was dreaming very vividly, and it felt similar days had passed. In reality I was out for near one-half a minute. I've never fainted before, am a claret donor and had eaten plenty of nutrient that day.

Comment from: Featherbrained Diva, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

I was donating blood. The needle was pain me, and the nurse walked over. She asked if I felt lightheaded, and I said, "yes, please take it out." That'southward the last thing I remember earlier fainting. Then information technology was like I was having a crazy dream! Stone music playing and so many different scenes flashing before me (I can't specifically remember annihilation I saw). Then I woke upwardly and was so confused. I had no idea where I was for nigh 5 seconds, and and then I started to figure it out. I was sweaty.

Comment from: kylie , 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 15

I accept type one diabetes. I was sitting down, then all of a sudden my body got hot. I got upwardly just and got to the back door. I was about to collapse in a faint. I got cool air on me and have taken my jelly beans.

Comment from: Trish77, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 08

I was standing in the kitchen feeling lightheaded and nauseous and I felt the sudden urge to urinate so I kept telling myself, 'just make it to the bath you lot can make it.' I don't even call up walking downwards the hall but I slipped on the carpet and fainted. The odd part was, when I landed on the floor, I must have put my hands downwards apartment to catch my autumn. My blackout only lasted 30 seconds before my fiance picked me off the floor and I was awake over again, merely I couldn't movement my hands for 5 minutes; seizure maybe.

Comment from: Elizabeth, nineteen-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 03

I stood upwardly, and later on about thirty seconds I got the worst lightheadedness I have always experienced. Information technology made me unable to speak, and I was correct next to the bed, but my legs basically collapsed and I sat down. My artillery got really weak and my abdomen started twitching uncontrollably for peradventure 10 seconds. I couldn't talk to exercise annihilation because I was scared. The fainting feeling stopped and I stood up really quick considering I was freaked out. My head started getting extremely heavy and almost blurred my vision.

Comment from: Jess, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: August eighteen

My anxiety started to become tingly, and my body got extremely hot. I tried to sit down downward, got nervous, tried to get up and lost complete consciousness. I hit my face and my knees on the mode downwards and was told I fainted twice within 10 minutes.

Comment from: dtrain, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: July 31

I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my tea (acquit in mind I have back issues). I got upwards and started to feel and tingly, featherbrained, couldn't breathe and felt like I was going at light'south speed. Then I woke up on the flooring with extreme sweats and a headache.

Comment from: Mike, thirteen-18 Male (Caregiver) Published: July 31

I had a hoodie on, it was night fourth dimension, and I started sweating badly and did not experience good, so I got up and started walking. And so my eyes got then blurry and my ears started ringing. And so I fainted, but I realized somehow that I passed out. I saw all black and was screaming, 'help me,' but it was in my head considering, when I woke up, there were people coming out of the shop and I know no ane heard me scream 'help me,' and that I was saying information technology in my head. I hit my head on the concrete and information technology sounded like a soft only hard hit.

Comment from: vel, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: July 21

I had no consciousness for eight hours. I fainted for 8 hours, taken to the emergency room, and no memory, but awoke non able to walk or talk well for ane week. I had hallucinations moderately, and recovered in nearly 2 months. I also had bad esophageal problem at the same time. Still weak 3 months later but cognizant.

Comment from: Kimcat666, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: June 23

I suffer from Meniere's illness and had the bones in my ears replaced 15 years agone. I have had problems other than fainting, but inside the last month, only before a storm, I volition taste farthermost table salt, and pass out for hours and wake upwards freezing.

Annotate from: minicoop, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: June 22

Fainting for me is a horrific consequence. I feel an overwhelmingly potent feeling of nausea that is and so intense. I feel like I am going to throw upwards, but I feel my whole body become numb, then I brainstorm to panic, and I can't hear anything or anyone. My vision starts to go out from my peripherals in until I wake up. I accept blacked out three times and once again during a tilt table examination with nitroglycerin and that was the nigh traumatic experience, equally I was strapped down during, out for 45 seconds, and woke in a panic.

Annotate from: Mick, 65-74 Male person (Patient) Published: May 26

Ii months ago my forehead was extremely hot suddenly. I passed out, don't know for how long, just when I woke upward I was fine. Information technology has never happened before or since.

Comment from: Kris, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 06

Lately I have been so tired in the forenoon, my vision is messed upwardly like I have to accept one centre close, and it lasts for an hour or so. Then, at night I have long blackouts where I apparently motility things, like the table salt shaker for example, and when I come up to they are all on the counter in front of me. So I accept been fainting or having a seizure and falling hard. I only wake up when I fall because of the pain. I accept no clue what is happening to me. It has happened every nighttime for a couple weeks.

Annotate from: Tayla, 19-24 Male (Caregiver) Published: May 05

This is the second time this has happened. My partner cut his hand and it was all skilful at the time and he idea nothing of it. Over two hours later, he is in the shower, taking the Rough-and-tumble off, the cut is fine, there is no blood, and it is tiny. A few moments later he starts to feel dizzy and sits down. Within less than a minute he faints and is jolting but this is considering he was sitting upwards and non lying down. He comes to, a few minutes later, and is fine. But it only occurs to cuts in his hand.

Annotate from: Hiya, 45-54 (Patient) Published: March 31

Terminal year I had a serious injury. I walked into Accident and Emergency and was put on a trolley. I could feel myself getting tired, and fainted. Next thing I know the md asked me how my arm was. I could non open my eyes, but gave a response. Side by side thing I had spots in my eyes, and so I heard the medico shout, 'stay with me.' I was gone, to be shouted at again, 'right, I'm moving yous.' I was awake for a few minutes then he said, 'I'm going to give you some oxygen,' and it was lights out again.

Annotate from: PartAnxietyGirl44, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March ten

I accept passed out a lot lately. The very terminal time of fainting, honestly, I don't call back it. At that place take been various times that I don't remember it happening, or someone trying to wake me or whatever. The very first time was at my task. I started feeling very odd. Noises and store music began to fade. I was at the greenbacks annals and I hollered over to another girl, well, sort of... I tried yelling and calling out her name. Then I woke to people standing effectually me. I can't recall how long I was out.

Comment from: Foxy24f, 35-44 Female person (Patient) Published: March 03

It started effectually Thanksgiving and I noticed that sometimes I just couldn't proceed my eyes open up. Then I started having these fainting episodes of beingness perfectly fine one moment and waking up hours later not having a clue of where I am, everything fuzzy, so it starts coming dorsum to me. Now information technology'southward happening more often. If someone is there, they normally tin wake me upward afterward 1 minute or then, but alone information technology could take 30 minutes all the mode upwards to iii ane/2 hours. It's so scary because no warning at all!

Annotate from: CitizenHP, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: March 02

I'thousand just more prone to syncope than almost. I accept fainted at to the lowest degree a dozen times. I tin can feel the fainting episode coming and then I can commonly warn those around me. And then I am just out. Darkness. Feels similar y'all're asleep for days, though it's really just a few seconds. Then eventually something or someone will wake me and I'll slowly effigy out where I am and what happened. This part is unpleasant. Like I woke from a blackout. Then I ordinarily experience a little queasy and totally exhausted the residuum of the day. Quite the feel!

Annotate from: Mae-alston, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: February 27

I simply know what I was told about my fainting. I remember, sleeping and waking upwards around 4:44 am. I left my lights on and so I turned them off, watched a little TV, smoked, and went to bed effectually 5:xxx am. I was alert once on the ambulance. I didn't know what happened. My mom said she heard a bang and asked if I was ok, and I didn't respond. Then I started making noises and she found me on the flooring shaking. I couldn't walk or form sentences. I have a huge knot on my head with missing skin.

Comment from: Lady , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: February 25

After a long mean solar day at piece of work and experiencing some feet about lower back pain I was feeling, my vision began to mistiness/announced as white fog. I was sitting in my machine, parked. I called a friend and said I didn't experience right, equally I could hardly speak, and to have someone come check on me. I saw a neighbor and approached her and fainting, collapsed to the ground. I immediately began dreaming, there were 2 or iii guys around me equally I was on the ground. The neighbor woke me up and I stumbled dorsum into my house.

Comment from: Pr, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: February 21

I'm not sure if my fainting was because I got up from where I was sitting suddenly, but as before long as I took three steps I realized I had fallen on my knees as I was waking. My torso began breathing in a style where my body was rocking forward exactly like a baby when they're crawling. I wasn't crawling, it was like my body wanted to movement but I couldn't; simply rocking back and forth as I felt myself animate through my mouth. In less than 5 seconds I got upwardly because I was embarrassed that had happened.

Annotate from: Molly67, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: February 19

While taking care of my aging parents and nether stress, I was on the phone talking about them when I woke up face up down under the dining table. I had fainted and my cheekbone had striking the border of the table. I went to the emergency room and stayed overnight. Many tests, and nothing found. I had a black center that was 1/two of my face. Two weeks later, information technology happened again but I felt it coming and fell onto an ottoman. I came shut to fainting many other times and had to cease driving. Feels like I am dying, checking out - just terrifying!

Annotate from: kristen2027, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Jan xviii

I'm 7 1/ii months significant. I was standing in the living room when all of a sudden information technology felt similar someone pushed my head really hard to the left, only it wasn't a push exterior my head, it was inside my head. I was able to catch myself before I went down hard and I didn't fully lose consciousness. I don't know what would crusade this fainting spell. information technology was like someone pushed my encephalon.

Comment from: Rose, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: January 03

I had occasional fainting episodes for a couple of months. Then ane evening with no alarm I blacked out, went to the hospital and spent the night being monitored, then a Holter monitor for 24 hours at home. All ok and the physician assumed it to exist BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), and two months went by with no issues. I got up to utilise the washroom one nighttime and found myself on the floor. When I came to, I was hallucinating my environment, yelled for mom, finally I turned around and recognized my bedroom, but couldn't effigy why I was on floor or why the apartment was then different.

Comment from: GKS, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: Jan 02

I was extremely thirsty and had a glass of water earlier going to bed. I was sleeping on the floor while watching Idiot box in the family room. Effectually 3.30 am I felt really thirsty. I got up rapidly and had a glass of water in the kitchen. Afterward drinking the water I felt empty-headed and fainted. I woke upwards within a minute and saw my wife and kids panicked and calling 911. I wondered what had happened. My married woman asked if I was ok and then calmed me down. I felt as if I had a actually skilful sleep.

Comment from: Sophie, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: December 26

I have fainted multiple times in my life, I'd say it occurs every 3 to iv years. Circumstances have all been very different. I desire here to describe the feeling that I accept while I am unconscious, considering it is a very sorry experience for me. I'd say the closest thing I can compare it with is a bad trip (from drugs). My brain is extremely stimulated and I have no control on it, like dreaming at 200 thou/h. I feel very anxious and usually wake up soon after. A few seconds passed out feels like hours.

Annotate from: Roxxane South, 19-24 Female person (Patient) Published: December 18

I was walking to my kitchen in the morning. I started to feel, kind of like that feeling you go when you stand up too quickly and things start to go gray. Well, that was happening then I stopped, thinking information technology'd go away in a infinitesimal like usual. Then everything went black and my listen couldn't focus on one thing. In that location was a loud crash, I remember thinking something just happened exterior. Then my vision started to come back and it felt like I was floating. Nope, I was on the flooring after fainting. Didn't feel anything, simply got bruised.

Comment from: Kk, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: December 12

I had but smoked, got in the shower with my boyfriend and I laid my head on his chest. My optics were open and everything was getting black and the bathroom fan was getting loud. I was fighting the blackness because I know this wasn't normal and all of a sudden it was all blackness and loud and I woke up to my boyfriend looking downwards on me asking me if I was okay because I had fainted, fallen in the bathtub and started twitching for a couple seconds.

Comment from: someone , xix-24 Male (Patient) Published: Dec 09

While I was in the process of fainting, I saw a agglomeration of memories of thoughts that I had before I fainted, pass in front of me in a blurry vision. Information technology kind of felt like I was loftier on some drugs or something, however I wasn't. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this.

Comment from: Wobble knees , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: December 02

I saw dark static-like dots, felt winded, and my knees became weak. I remember fainting and falling to the ground only I didn't have the strength to stop information technology. I was phasing in and out, blind, I heard people around me only I couldn't respond. I tried to stand up upwardly and passed out again. This time I had a vivid (nonsensical) dream while collapsing, and later on, I remember thinking "oh proficient, I'thou waking up", simply it was not a dream. I remember feeling similar I wasn't existent.

Comment from: Tans , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 12

I had given blood effectually 2 pm that twenty-four hour period, and had driven my kids effectually as I do. I had dinner at 7 and fell asleep on the couch at 10 so I went to bed. V minutes later on my dog was crying then I put him out. I was waiting at the door and felt really tired and a bit sick. I decided to head back to bed. Next minute I woke up on the floor and I could hear my daughter talking. I felt the cold floor underneath. It was a weird situation and I think I moaned something when I fainted, because they came over and helped me up.

Comment from: Fluffypikachu19, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: November 07

I have fainted earlier, and I exercise experience lightheaded and weak when I stand as well long. I become very sweaty, bursts of adrenaline, and my hearing gets repose and fuzzy. I feel like I take to scratch or move my body to help keep it from happening. What triggers this is when I think too deep nearly death/human things, it is hard to explicate.

Comment from: RyanMiddo95, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: November 01

This happened this morning time at work on Halloween (31/09/2019). I was getting my face painted, halfway through getting information technology done I asked to terminate for a minute. At first I thought information technology was my anxiety boot in because I felt pretty sick. But and then I started to get pins and needles in my arms and legs, couldn't motility them and I could hardly hear or run across a thing. My work colleague grabbed me some water, and then I asked to remove most of the pigment. I carried on with work every bit normal later on.

Comment from: jamhead1, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: October 29

I am on about 10 different medicines for cirrhosis of liver, hypothyroid, hypogonadism (depression testosterone injections every other week. I have osteoarthritis in my right genu and machine immune diseases (psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), for which I accept 40 Humira injections every other week. This is what has been going on over last week or 2. I get these sensations whenever a fainting episode is about to appear. It normally starts in my head where it feels like I am going to faint and then it slowly starts where I fall comatose in weird positions and I sleepwalk and fall over.

Comment from: Turquoise , 55-64 Male (Caregiver) Published: Oct 24

My partner went to shower after eating a large bowl of Thai soup with lots of chilies in it. I could not swallow it. I heard a massive crash, then I went to him, and then another bang. He was on his back, head in a higher place body and his legs were rigid and pointing toes downward, and his arms jerking. Looked like he was foaming at the mouth but there was some vomit in the bath. I rang for an ambulance and he did not regain consciousness for most 5 or 6 minutes. Nosotros went to Accident and Emergency. Heart is ok, they think information technology was a faint!

Comment from: Tuffy73, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 01

This morning I got out of bed too quickly (I guess). The adjacent affair I know I hear the chamber door hit the bedside table and I woke up on the floor. I was very disoriented and couldn't figure out why I was in the floor or fifty-fifty where I was for a moment. Then there was pain in my finger and I realized I had fainted. Very scary.

Comment from: Ducky, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 19

I have fainted a total of ii, almost three times in my life. Each time was due to insufficient blood supply to my encephalon for one reason or another. I always starting time by feeling hot and cold flashes in rapid succession, followed by nausea and difficulty breathing. My vision gets clouded past static and my legs buckle and I plummet. I normally recover seconds to minutes after collapsing, because the claret supply has returned to my brain whilst I'g horizontal, but I experience weak and tired for hours after.

Comment from: Gigi, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September eighteen

I accept severe pain in left hand from broken wrist that did non heal properly. Every night it happens. I got upwardly this morning time with very bad pain and felt woozy. Made my manner downstairs doing what I unremarkably do, unplugging phones and iPad, and went into the kitchen in the dark to turn on coffee and was reaching into the fridge to go creamer, and downward I went fainting. Don't remember anything except that my caput bounced a couple of times on flooring. Don't know how long I was at that place but I remember thinking, oh god, I am lying on the cold flooring.

Annotate from: jetsetgrl, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: September x

A few weeks agone I experienced anaphylactic shock and fainted direct afterward eating some not-grain granola. I believe that the culprit was flaxseeds, every bit I do not believe that I accept e'er eaten them earlier and I have no prior history of nutrient allergies. I am 53 years old. The ambulance came and I passed out as they were conveying my downwards my steep cement stairs, I came to in the parking lot below. It felt like I had been dreaming and it was very strange. I can't quite remember the dream.

Annotate from: g, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 10

I was in a buffet drinking a coffee and eating a sandwich. I started feeling quite hot, I took off my jacket, and I then started getting cold sweats and stars in my eyes. So I rested my head on the table and passed out. All I remember before fainting was seeing black, and so I saw a white tunnel or white light which I was running towards. I was suddenly screaming in my mind telling myself to wake up and to not reach the end of the tunnel, to so suddenly waking screaming out aloud, whilst people were shaking me.

Annotate from: sluu, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: September 06

I went to sleep at about 11:00 am today and two hours later suddenly got upwardly. I started shaking, feeling dizzy and I fell to the flooring in a faint.

Comment from: Brittani, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 04

Simply today, my claret carbohydrate was lower than I thought, and because of this, I institute myself losing my sight. So I held onto something to keep my balance, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor, fainted. The other fourth dimension, I'd thought I was at to the lowest degree somewhat awake, just apparently not enough to realize not merely had I sunk down to the floor, I had been hitting my head on the wall. The issue was I had a fleck of a bad headache and my ears just injure terribly.

Annotate from: Bearding, 19-24 Female person (Patient) Published: August 27

I was really jetlagged so I had slept for most of the day, forgetting to eat or drink. I felt tired walking to my dance class and when I started the warm upwards I felt terrible but thought I simply hadn't exercised in a long time so connected. I could feel my heartbeat was going crazy and it was hard to breathe and my vision started going nighttime around the edges. When I came around it took a second for me to meet and hear properly and I was afterward told that I had frozen in place earlier fainting and collapsing.

Comment from: Mitch jw , 19-24 Male person (Patient) Published: August 16

Terminal night I was only relaxing watching Tv not doing much. All of a sudden I felt a chip sick, not too bad though. And then five minutes later I was ready to throw up, I went and stood outside the backdoor of my firm and as leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. I envisioned myself lying on the floor (what I'd run into when I woke upwardly) but in those 3 seconds I thought I was unconscious for an hour. I then woke up finally but was unable to stand or think. I became very sweaty fast even though it was wet out and stop of summer.

Comment from: Eliana, nineteen-24 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 15

When I was 15, nosotros did the passing out game (I know, stupid, I wish I hadn't done it), but when I passed out, I heard screaming and fire all around... almost like a small hamlet was on fire. I don't know, but when I woke up the silence relaxed me. I found out that if my friend hadn't caught me, I would've head my hit on a abrupt corner of my Tv stand. And then... I oasis't done since.

Comment from: Worried, 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: August 13

My married woman passed out for nearly xxx seconds. When she woke up she thought she was her xiv year old self and so shortly fainted again. When she woke up she was herself once more but with a terrible headache. Wonder if I should exist concerned that she thought she was her younger self.

Comment from: Fainted , nineteen-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 12

My boyfriend and I were at the shops and well, we were waiting for our nutrient. He was busy showing me something on his phone, I call back looking at information technology and then everything went xanthous and and then bright. I woke up on the floor with my boyfriend holding me. I thought I was having a nap on my couch at home and asked my swain what he was doing. He told me I just slid down the side of the counter. He explained it looked like someone just turned me off and I was unconscious for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Comment from: Avery5280, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 15

I fainted for the first fourth dimension in my life today while getting my first ever mammogram at the historic period of 40. I recollect feeling queasy in my tummy while being held tight past the mammogram automobile. Adjacent thing I knew I woke up with the technician massaging my head while I was lying on the flooring. The crazy part about this feel is that when I was unconscious, I felt like I had a very restful deep sleep for viii hours and I dreamed I was by the beach. I woke up feeling very rested and with peace.

Comment from: Gen, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 11

I was sitting, looking at the computer and all of a sudden I felt very dizzy, about to faint, and things were getting black. I tried to focus and in a fleck my mind cleared. I'thousand questioning why this happened and what I demand to practice.

Annotate from: Stephanie, 25-34 Female (Caregiver) Published: April 30

I fainted 3 times in my life and each time information technology occurs I never know when I am fainting, I but wake a few seconds later feeling lost and confused. My virtually contempo ane was yesterday, I got out of bed around 3 am, took iv steps, and fainted without a warning. I had no thought of what happened. I woke up with a serious pain in the back of my caput, and a severe headache and a back pain. My girlfriend said I did scream while I fainted simply I take no thought, it's very terrifying.

Annotate from: Travis, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: April 19

I have had epilepsy when I was young but it went away. Every time I proceed a gunkhole out on the sea or dams, I sometimes get this weird feeling, and I beginning feeling dizzy. So my legs collapse and I faint, then I am fine for the whole day, I can practice anything on water and it won't happen to me that twenty-four hours. But the side by side day information technology might happen (I have nearly drowned due to this on a water slide).

Annotate from: KathyJo, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: Jan 22

Many years ago, I was at a house political party with my boyfriend. As nosotros were proverb our goodbyes I felt featherbrained and fainted on the floor. I remember feeling so at peace. I saw myself in a bed and in this dream there were people crouched beside the bed. Then there was talking that got louder and louder and I remember wishing they would exit me alone. I woke up on the floor and felt so refreshed, similar I had slept for 12 hours.

Annotate from: PattyB, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: June 06

Concluding dark I felt feverish, and had a headache, and cold. I put a heavier material over my night apparel, and I had a coating to give me more oestrus. I idea I may take a 24 60 minutes bug. I took an Aleve and melatonin to assist me sleep. I could non sleep, and mayhap had about iii or four hours of slumber. I got up in the morn to go some water to drink. I felt like vomiting, with acidic sense of taste in my oral cavity merely nix came out except vile tasting fluid. I filled my cup with cold mixed with hot h2o to drink when I slowly sank into the kitchen floor and fainted. It must take been less than a minute and I found the cup of water spilt and myself soaked.

Comment from: Ida, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

I have fainted many times in my life. I have experienced two types of fainting. When I stand for too long I faint, it happens speedily, I pass out, hit my caput, and while out I experience nothing. When I offset to recover I am aware of the hurting from hitting my head and I wonder what happened, but I recover quickly and I am fine. The second type is when I faint considering of my nervous system drawing all my blood to my abdomen and I experience very ill. I know I am going to faint, I then lie down on the floor, put my legs up against the wall and wait. While I am passed out, I take hundreds of images flashing extremely fast in my head. I attempt to make sense of what's happening. I cannot move. Later a while the images terminate and I realize that I have fainted. I talk to myself in my head. Yous have fainted, it'due south ok, just focus on your breathing information technology volition be over soon. Just exhale, deep in, deep out, in, out. I do this till I recover and can move again. This is an awful experience, I hate it. I am starting to wonder if my brain is beingness damaged while being so deprived of oxygen that I meet these images (normally experienced by people with well-nigh death experience). I wonder if I should maybe get an oxygen mask to put on next time information technology happens so that my encephalon can get oxygen sooner.

Comment from: Nitin Menasigi, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: May 21

I am 29. Whenever I hear the trimmer sound while trimming in saloon I faint, I have fainted three to 4 times. And recently I fainted while doing tattoo, it was well-nigh to stop when I started feeling suffocated and I went out and sat on the staircase. I fainted and was unconscious for a minute. When I was unconscious I could hear some factory or workshop sound. Afterward I woke the right side part of my caput pains. After resting for some time I am fine.

Comment from: 10, 55-64 Male person (Caregiver) Published: March xiii

Yesterday, I was working in the garden under sun shine. Though I worked (calorie-free work) about 1 hour but I was nether the sun for 15 to 20 minutes. Then I came nether a tree shed in the garden. I was and so quite normal. I took a sip of drinking water from my friend. Later that I felt uneasiness in the upper portion of my trunk. My vision become blurred. This situation continued for 5 or 6 minutes. After that I fainted and cruel on the footing. Probably after 1 or 2 minutes I came to my senses as reported by my friend. After 10 to xv minutes residual everything was totally normal. I feel deep acidity and irritation in my stomach. It started after drinking the h2o. I recall that due to acidity it may have occurred.

Annotate from: Tuck, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: June 30

Several years ago I was in NE Thailand. It was a very hot twenty-four hours, I went with my Thai friends to a local market and ordered some nutrient and a fruit shake. I saw some stars, and felt woozy. I tried to get upwards and get in to the washroom simply fainted. I hit my caput on the pavement and lost consciousness for but a separate second. Ambulance came within minutes and I spent the dark at a local Thai hospital. Outstanding care, blood work, True cat browse within 15 minutes or and so. I had IV drip, etc. It hasn't happened once more since. To this day, I am non sure what triggered this, could accept been dehydration peradventure and possibly reaction to food. Not actually certain.

Comment from: Bruce, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: March 04

I've experienced 3 identical fainting episodes approximately 10 years apart for each. I believe information technology had something to exercise with the heat and dehydration. I of a sudden would feel hot, sweaty and ill, and continue to laissez passer out if standing. IV brought me dorsum to normal each fourth dimension.

Annotate from: soprano, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: May 26

I've fainted or well-nigh-fainted a few times in my lifetime. Just ii specific faints concern me. Both times I heard a loud buzzing sound. I had been on my anxiety, continuing or moving, for a long fourth dimension. Likely I was hot and tired. The kickoff fourth dimension, standing for hours in one place, I bent over and got support much also speedily! I heard buzzing and crouched but still blacked out a few moments (friends held me). I stayed crouched until my head cleared. The second time, solitary in my home, I moved too speedily (down/up) when doorbell rang and heard buzzing. I tried to lower myself just passed out. I came to on my own, bleeding from head, and chosen 911. No reason for faint found in hospital except 'T' trace in blood trending down. No chest pain or other warning symptom. Two subsequent faints likely from loss of blood, only I seem to be fine at present. I do, nevertheless, dread hearing that buzzing sound again, and wish I knew the crusade.

Comment from: -R.-, 35-44 (Patient) Published: April 17

My lungs credit my subconscious ane portion of air per each inhale; debiting upon exhale; expecting a practiced balance of aery standing. Moreover, my subconscious, at times, breathes shallowly, landing itself in air debt. Paying the piper, it starts a gulping deep jiff, as it arches my spine, shoulders, and head backwards. With and then much air trapped, while arching backwards, if I go on, I faint! This is the reason behind my fainting. I promise it helps.

Comment from: Karen, 55-64 Male person (Patient) Published: December 11

I find myself forcing myself to wake up every bit though I am well-nigh to lose consciousness and faint while I am asleep. I have to force myself to motility and it is getting harder to wake upwards.

Comment from: Sho, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: Baronial 13

I came down the stairs and went into the living room and merely passed out.

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